Power Newcastle after Dark with PV power ex EUCLA, Nullarbor

Power Newcastle after Dark with PV power ex EUCLA, Nullarbor

Newcastle is in a different Time Zone then Eucla WA. After the Sun Sets in Newcastle it is Still SHINING near Eucla for 2 hours LONGER. 😎 Power the east coast EVENING PEAK Demand time with PV or Wind! A Green energy HUB at Eucla, WA. 70GW, $100 Billion cost, 3,000 Wind turbines & 35 Solar farms, larger than SloveniaEU ! A TRANSMISSION Line needed 1,050 km long, between Eucla & Port Pirie; COST is LESS than nuclear fantasy & West GEH. Complete by 2031. MENZIES taps in. PROVEN TECH!🎯 Easy.


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